Help me, Presario! What is Ask Presario?
Well, you would be amazed at how many phone requests I receive for help with computer problems, web problems, internet problems, and just about anything that has to do with electronics. I love talking to people, but with the growth of my business I don't always have time. Instead of opening a 1-900 number and charging for advice (I am only halfway kidding), instead this BLOG will help relieve some of those calls by providing the most common questions I receive. If I sent you here, don't get offended, instead take a look around! You might find more even information than you need or more than I could give you on the phone. If you just accidentally browsed here, welcome! I don't claim to know everything, but I will do what I can. If you have a specific question not answered here, feel free to email me at Be patient, I already receive 100+ emails a day, and this was BEFORE I started this website.
Oh yeah, don't forget to visit (shameless plug.)
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