Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Something for the Mac Lovers

I have gotten some emails complaining that Ask Presario does not contain enough information for Mac users. Hey – I will admit that! It is not because I don’t know anything about Macs. On the contrary – I actually use to do a lot of installation, upgrade, and repair work on Macs in my tech days. However, I am just not a big fan of them. Even though I am the first to admit that Apple has made leaps and bounds in both their operation system and PC compatibility issues, I guess I am just a die-hard PC man. However, I came across a Blog that does love Macs, and they even wrote an article for PC people who are moving over to – or thinking of moving over to Apple. So for you Mac people, I am including the link here to the article called ‘Switch from Windows XP to Mac OSX with ease!’ The site address is, and they have a whole section of their Blog for Mac people.There – don’t say I didn’t do anything for you Mac lovers.By the way, as much as I don’t like Macs – the new 1 inch thin, 17 inch screen Apple MacBook with the Intel Duo Core Processor(image placeholder) has caught my eye. Will it replace my 17 inch Toshiba Satellite? Not until I feel like dropping $3,000 on a new laptop.


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